Jan 29, 2024

Quote of the Day

The Prime Minister said he is fighting against Hamas. A little humility would not hurt, it is the IDF soldiers fighting against Hamas. Netanyahu is the one who cultivated Hamas and is still cultivating them... I do not see in the Likud and not in its delusional partners, as right wing parties. The one and only right-wing part in the Knesset is Yisrael Beyteynu.

  -- MK Avigdor Lieberman (Yisrael Beyteynu)

Netanyahu said in response to a journalist asking a question about Likud MK Tali Gotliv spouting crazy conspiracy theories that "Again, while I am fighting Hamas, you are fighting against me" and refused to answer the actual question. The journalist himself is one who had spent over 100 days in miluim fighting in Gaza and had just recently been released. 

I normally avoid quoting Lieberman (and Lapid) because of hateful things he (they) have said in the past, but recently Avigdor Lieberman has been very right and logical about so many things...

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1 comment:

  1. Sorry, Lieberman is a fool. The leader of a country overseeing the war, and dealing with countries whose help supports the war (like the US) is also fighting the war.
    Netanyahu's point is he needs to devote his energy to prosecuting the war against Hamas, not to dealing with silly theories of every MK.
