Apr 17, 2006

not kosher, but kosher for Passover?

Here you can see an "expose" where ynet discovers that McDonalds, in honor of Pesach, has removed its Hametz based desserts from its kids meals, but has not reduced the price. The criticism is that they effectively raised the prices of their products without informing the customer. McDonalds response is that it is a special Pesach menu and therefore not a price increase.
Whether they are right or wrong does not interest me. I do find it ironic though that McDonalds is not kosher, yet they have a kosher for Passover menu..
Even people eating at a non-kosher restaurant, nay - the symbol of non-kosher restaurants, still want to have some semblance of a connection to the Jewish Nation and its customs!
Mi K'Amcha Yisrael!!!


  1. Plenty of people decide to give up bread over pesach. I know a guy in college who had a ham and cheese sandwich on matza. The ham and cheese didn't bother him, but it was important for him to not have bread.

    The better question about McDonalds is what type of buns were they using for the burgers and how did they bread the chicken nuggets.

  2. yes, the statistics and studies show that an overwhelming majority of Israelis do not eat hametz on pessach. It is just funny that McDonalds, the symbol of non-kosher, whose franchise owner Omri Padan is well known as an anti-religious person, woudl go "kosher for Pesach".

  3. is it truly showing "mi k'amcha yisroel" or is it just a symbol similar l'havdil to a christmas tree even when there is no religion in the house - just wondering - not sure

    mazal tov again

  4. while the litvish approach might be your thought, R' Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev would definitely use this to defend and praise the jews to Hashem..

  5. The same discussion i had with my friends.
    Some of them, usually non-kosher eaters, now they eat kosher lepesach products only.
    And we were discussing, why do they respect kosher lepesach, and all the rest of the days they eat non-kosher food.

    The same as the first who commented this post.

  6. I feel it is a sign of their connection to Judaism, even if at other times it might not shine through as brightly..

  7. Yes, I admit it, I'm a non-kosher eater, but I always keep pesach. It's part of my history, part of my heritage. I know Kashrut is as well, but you know I sort of consider it in the historical context and don't attach the same importance to the laws as I do to our struggle to go out from Egypt. If that makes me a horrible Jew, I suppose that is life, but this is how I practice my Judaism.
