Sep 20, 2006

How do you know if you are Israeli?

How do you know if you are Israeli?

My friends son was driving last night. He did not have his drivers license with him, as he had forgotten it at home. He was stopped 4 times by police at random checkpoints. The police often set up random checkpoints where they will stop cars for spot checks, to make sure cars are not stolen, for example. Often these checks will take place in the middle of the night. This 19 year old kid was stopped 4 times last night at different checkpoints at around 3 in the morning!! With no license. He talked his way out of the ticket each time.

That is Israeli!


  1. a real mouth on that one huh?

  2. that is very israeli.
    there is no way he'd get away with that here, at least not four times anyway!

  3. i guess i have my work cut out for me to become a real israeli.

  4. pretty cool, but it sounds like you commend him for driving without a license!

  5. whats - no chance for you, only for your kids...

    prag - not at all. While I admire his brashness, I was only relating a story as his father told it to me...

  6. i think its called "protektzia"
