Jan 16, 2007

peace with Syria? maybe...

This is a letter that has been circulatiing. It was sent out on Naomi Ragen's email list. It was sent to her from a woman living in a moshav near the border of Israel and Lebanon....

It appears as though the Hizbollah is preparing for Round 2.Up our way (Moshav Avivim), the entire border is now dottedwith Hizbollah flags and moving figures. There is not asingle Lebanese army flag in sight.In my opinion, this is NOT okay. A flag is not only a symbol that represents concepts and ideals, but also used to stakeclaims. Does this mean that the Hizbollah have reclaimedSouthern Lebanon?
While driving home form work one evening,will I encounter terrorists who have infiltrated through tunnels they have dug under the border-underneath the noses of the UN base that lies opposite my house?
For years these UN troops have been observers. They observed the way the Hizbollah prepared for the last war and armed themselves to the teeth, so why should anything be different now? And BTW, where IS the Lebanese army that was supposed to keep the border clean? Perhaps it was largely comprisedof Hizbollahs in disguise? Oops, sorry. If I don't keep quiet we'll never have peace with Syria...Looks as though we can all stay tuned to the same channel and same program for a repeat broadcast of the last war,coming soon to a neighborhood near you...

Devora Evgi
Moshav Avivim


  1. why is our government still in power? Isn't it time for another election???

  2. if you have seen this mornigns news, you will realize that we are pretty close to that point.. any day now. if you have not seen it, go take a look at haaretz.com or ynetnews.com or any other israeli news site.
