Jan 9, 2007

summer fight in park

Much has been written about the fight in the park in Ramat Bet Shemesh this past summer. For those of you who do not know what I am referring to, I will briefly recap the events.

The city of Bet Shemesh with Kupat Holim (HMO) Meuhedet were inaugurating a walking path in the neighborhood. As part of the festivities, they made an event in the main park with the local boys choir, Kol B'Ramah, as the featured entertainement.

The event was not declared "separate seating". It was mostly people milling about in a "family oriented" atmosphere. About 80% of the people there were women and kids with a few scattered men.

During the performance, a group of thugs led by their leader (a local Rabbi) attempted to break up the performance. They crashed the stage and tried to pressure people to leave the area. At one point one of the thugs pushed one of the kids from the choir off the stage physically.

Basically the thugs were run out of the park and the show went on.

I was just alerted to a video clip of a few minutes of the event. In the video you see the thugs screaming wildly on stage, you see the microphone get cut off after being grabbed by the leader, and then the show continues...

enjoy, or not..


  1. nezek, tzar, ribui, sheves, boshes, - out the window

    kanois shel pinchas - oh yeah

    what we've done (or allow to be done) to our religion is disgusting.

  2. While most of the kannoim may have been objecting to the mixing of men and women, that was NOT Rav Perlstein's main objection. He was objecting to charedi kids mixing with non-charedi kids.

    (ask E.J. if you don't believe me)

  3. oh yeah, and one of my kids shows up in the video...

  4. Not too complain but it is too bad that the person who took the video didn't get a better view.

  5. yeah. and that kid is standing right in front of the camera for much of it....

  6. It doesnt really give me a warm fuzzy feeling about your neighborhood :(

  7. that's good, Jameel. I am happy it does not give you a warm fuzzy feeling. Warm and fuzzy usually means mold...

  8. let me tell you, never been prouder to live there... (sarcastic)

  9. what thugs like Kappos! We all have our own Al-Quadas

  10. i thought you responded to me that you were going to write something nice about rbs

    shavu'ah tov

  11. OK, it's not Modiin, but there it would Noar Meretz pulling the same stuff... really. But I don't think the rabble rouser should be honored with the title of "Rabbi". He ain't my teacher.

  12. dad- mazel tov on figuring out how to post comments.

    ari - you are right. I will get to it. maybe even soon...

    anon - just because you and I do not like someone or agree with him does not mean he loses his title. Anyways, nowadays the title Rabbi means so little anyways.. I once posted a post here about how the title Rabbi is misused and abused and used by people who do not qualify,etc. The responses I got were mostly people saying that it does not mean anything and that is just a title people use for respect. So no big deal in my book.

  13. Video not working.

    1. google video stopped working ages ago... I will look to see if this was ever converted to youtube (I think it was)

    2. I replaced it with the youtube video of the incident
