Nov 29, 2007

what do leaves have to do with women?

They put up a sign at work about a new shiur for women in "Judaism". The shiur is being given once a week at the beginning of the workday.

It is all very nice and good, but I have one question: why are all shiurim for women advertised with pictures of leaves all over the page? Is the shiur about trees? What do leaves have to do with women? (for example, the topic of this week's shiur was posted as "Love, jealousy and the story of Yosef". Under that was a nice pile of leaves. why?)


  1. maybe the guy that wrote up the sign at your work just likes the Word clipart picture of leaves?

  2. I don't think it is my imagination but I think I have noticed that womens shiurim are often advertised with leaves... maybe I am wrong,...

  3. why are all shiurim for women advertised with pictures of leaves all over the page?

    I agree. They should have pictures of diapers and brooms, washing machines and frying pans instead.

  4. Rafi, I'm sure one of your wise readers will have an answer, but all I can think of is "shmitta?"

  5. why do leaves have to connect to women? maybe its just there for decoration, or they had a lousy graphic artist...

  6. *gasp* I know what it is! Its a subtle attempt at guilt -reminding women of Chava and the apple and having to cover up with leaves, etc. lol

    just kidding.
