Feb 14, 2008

attackers of Stern arrested in RBS!

The news is reporting that last night, in the middle of the night, whilst all was silent, the police raided RBS B and arrested three men who were, allegedly, involved of the beating of Tuvya Stern (and destroying his property) two weeks ago.
2 were let go on bail, and one is being held in the jail of the Russian Compound in Jerusalem (there is more damning evidence against the third one, so he is being held in the meantime).

Kol Hakavod to the police for arresting them. Generally these things tend to lead to greater riots by the community over there. As a matter of fact, someone on the RBS email list has already posted that some rocks have been thrown into the road (might be unconnected, but I doubt it). While it is fairly quiet now, that could change in an instant....


  1. May be the stones were thrown as a protest to the killing of their friend in Damascus!

  2. One of the guys arrested was Chaim Heimlich.

    Heimlich, besides being a terrorist, is also the head of the Kupas Tzedaka of Kiryas Chasidim.

    Eidensohn attended the dinner that Heimlich ran just two weeks ago.

  3. Heimlich, besides being a terrorist, is also the head of the Kupas Tzedaka of Kiryas Chasidim.

    Eidensohn attended the dinner that Heimlich ran just two weeks ago.

    He didn't just attend, he was guest speaker. He wants to give them chizuk so that he can keep RBS from becoming too "modern"

    "Min b"mino" in my opinion.

  4. The only surprise is that there is no surprise.

    There is little tzedek in many of these kupot tzedakah. IMNSHO the wonderful deeds that everyone talks about are no more than mitzvot she ba al yadei aveirot.

    Let the buyer (or donor) beware.
