Mar 20, 2008

Local RBS Tzedaka: brochures correct the poster

Normally this would not be newsworthy enough to warrant scanning and posting... but after yesterday's brouhaha, it seems appropriate...

This morning I woke up to find by all the doors in my area (I saw it by my door and my neighbors door... I did not check the whole neighborhood, but assume it was delivered around the whole area) the following brochure from the Kupa for Mattanos L'Evyonim. It is a fold up, and the inside gives information about the Kupa and PR stuff, which I did not scan. I only scanned the cover that is relevant to this discussion...

Notice the change in the English from yesterday's posters - now they are calling on people, in the name of Rav Chaim Kanievsky, to give preference to the local organizations over organizations from outside RBS. Much more in the spirit of what Rav Kanievsky said!

Kol Hakavod.

I have no idea if this brochure was changed because of the discussion that took place here, or maybe a lot of people called the Kupa offices and bothered them, or maybe they realized on their own, but it is nice to feel that the discussion here was able to make a difference and not just be a bunch of people venting...


  1. What is sad is that they felt the need to publish something like this at all. עניי עירך קודם is one of the most basic halachos of tzedaka that everyone should know. Why they felt that they had to quote the "gedolim" to make this point is a great testament to what is wrong with Charedi society today.

  2. yeah, but with all the ads saying Rav Kanievsky or Rav Elyashiv say tzedaka x is the best, someone might think, easily, that it is so pure it is even better than aniyei ircha.

    So to counter the colorful and brash ads, they got a clear quote from Rav K. that aniyei ircha is still btter.

  3. Why don't all of these organization spend less money on adverts (which litter our neighborhoods) and more money on helping.

    Between 2 or 3 different posters,envelopes, glossy flyers and hundreds of copies of Rabbi letters (my shul was cralwing with them in 3 sizes) the Kupa must have spent tens of thousdands of shekel. (I know it's "sponsored")

    But hey let the business sponsor a family for a half a year instead of fodder for our rubbish that would be tzedaka!

    They could print up a small flyer with the logo/ad, etc.

  4. The poster does not admit that a mistake was made in the original translation.

    Interesting.... (Actually, not really, it's not too hard to figure out.)

  5. But hey let the business sponsor a family for a half a year instead of fodder for our rubbish bins..

    The business does not want to sponsor a family. It wants to sponsor a flyer that gets thrown around by the thousand, and SEEN by many people and get cheap advertising.

  6. Actually, I dont think a mistake was made on the first flyer. Have they taken it down? Did they admit a mistake? Dont think so.

    Rather, all that happened is that they publicized - in not so many words - that the KST of rbs is preferable that the KST of bnei brak and other national "vaadim" -- not sure AT ALL why the big fuss and why the LA chevra feel so intimidated and full of venom against the KST.

    I have said once and Ill say it again, Im impartial to this as I live in mishkenos. You need to chill out and show some openmindedness for the way others advertise and for the way other kuppot shel tzeddakah live their lives.

    The KST has a very nice brochure out - dinner journal or something - in which they discuss all of their expenses and the different programs they run. I was quite impressed with the long lists, and likewise impressed by the long list of rabbonim from across the "yeshivishe" spectrum who unite for such a special cause.

  7. "The KST has a very nice brochure out - dinner journal or something - in which they discuss all of their expenses and the different programs they run. I was quite impressed with the long lists, and likewise impressed by the long list of rabbonim from across the "yeshivishe" spectrum who unite for such a special cause"

    This dinner journal is part of a
    6 figure gala that could better
    be used to feed and help those
    in need. I am sure the "sponsors"
    would gladly give the same if their
    donations were publically acknowledged.

    When the Kupa opens its books
    to the public then people will
    really find out where there comes
    from and how much is actually going
    to the needy.

    This is an open challenge for them
    to open their books to those who
    give. It will never happen because
    then everyone will know 100% Tzedaka is a BIG LIE.

    Unfortunately the damage done by
    the Kupa only hurts those in need.

    The big question is why can't they
    do their job and let Lemaani Achai
    do the same for those they service
    without all these unethical practices.

  8. I am sure the "sponsors"
    would gladly give the same if their
    donations were publically acknowledged
    did you ask the sponsors?

    Unfortunately the damage done by
    the Kupa only hurts those in need.

    The big question is why can't they
    do their job and let Lemaani Achai
    do the same for those they service
    without all these unethical practices.
    So only LA is the only tzedaka thats reliable? Come on. You are being motzi laaz on many people, including rabbonim who support KST. Are all these rabbonim wrong? Are they all missing the light that only you see?

    My question remains why is there such a venom from the LA people against the KST people? I see this as a one way fight, and it doesnt make me want to give 1 single cent to LA. Makes me think that LA has something to be scared about, that they arent as legit as I have thought till now, and that by associating myself with LA, I am by default associationg myself with people that spew sinas chinam against a chesed organization that is backed by rabbonim in the community and are trying to help. Why should i join the ranks of LA? To be fed the poison that makes (some of) the LA chevra some hateful of other Jews? Open you mind a little, its purim, a time of ahavas chinam and ahavas re'im!!!!

  9. All that I said that any charity
    that has nothing to hide opens
    their books to the public. I again
    challenge Kupa to open their books
    if they have nothing to hide.

    I bet they will not.

    I see why they have their posters
    on their supports cars wheels. It spins like they spin the facts.

    I bet they will not.

  10. As the kupa has snif 46 (I think that is what it is called ) there books are fully open.

    It is very sad that there is so much hatred for people whose only sin is to help others
