Mar 18, 2008

Together 4 Israel (video)


  1. Big Deal. No mention at all of the daily slaughter in Gaza.

  2. you want palestinian sympathizers? go to a palestinian blog.

  3. What the one million people should do is move here and vote in a new government that can deal with the daily attacks.

    TT- Firing rockets into Israel is one of the the causes, not the result, of the IDF's actions in Gaza. And, if I'm not mistaken, much of the "slaughter" in Gaza is at the hands of one group of Palestinians against another. That's what you get when you vote a terrorist organization into power.

  4. "Firing rockets into Israel is one of the the causes, not the result, of the IDF's actions in Gaza."

    This is one of the zionists' biggest propaganda lies. Those "rockets" are hardly more than spitballs. They're hard to even notice. Tell me, how many people were ever killed by them, huh? It's just another zionist red herring, used to justify their own war crimes.

    "And, if I'm not mistaken, much of the "slaughter" in Gaza is at the hands of one group of Palestinians against another."

    That's another lie. Israel tries to spread this story, but its just lies and exxagerations.

    "That's what you get when you vote a terrorist organization into power."

    They're not terrorists, they're courageous freedom fighters. They've got a legitimate right to everything they do.

  5. A Jew named "Jameel" can be a better troll...
