Sep 4, 2008

Shalom Lerner to announce this Motzai Shabbos

As you might already know, this November 11 is elections for mayor here in Bet Shemesh.

The current mayor has been in power for 15 years, and I think we would all agree its time for change. The time has come for clean neighborhoods, responsible and caring government and thoughtful city planning. I am personally supporting Shalom Lerner for mayor of Bet Shemesh.

Shalom is the current Deputy Mayor and is a resident of the Sheinfeld neighborhood. A talmid of Ner Yisroel in Baltimore, Shalom has lived in Bet Shemesh for over 18 years and has been involved in community affairs for almost as long. Shalom has been very helpful in many of our local shuls efforts to acquire land for their shuls.

This Motzei Shabbat, Shalom will be officially announcing his candidacy at a public event in Bet Shemesh. We need as many people as possible to attend the event, so that everyone will see that Shalom is a serious candidate with broad backing from ALL the communities in Bet Shemesh.

The event is called for 8:45 PM on Motzei Shabbat, at Ron-Tal, the large hall on top of Bank Leumi in the center of town (next to the Misrad HaPnim).

If you care about Bet Shemesh and want to show that we in the Ramah (or whichever part of BS you will be coming from) need representation, then please take 30 minutes to attend the event
and show your support. Every person counts!!


  1. no chance hes going to win. its either vaknin with the chareidi vote, or abutpol with the chareidi vote. who is lerners clientele?

  2. do I know he is going to win? I do not. But I feel he is the better of the choices and therefore I support him? It is easy to support the guy you think is going to win. How about supporting the guy you think SHOULD win?

    The elections are up in the air. Vaknin still has yet to announce he is running. Abutbols "Gush Chevrati" has slowly been coming apart.
    No haredi candidate is gauranteed anythign because according to the iryah numbers the Haredi population is only 40% of the city. If Degel and Aguda support Abutbol, his chances are very good. if they do not, then it is wide open.
    Will chilonim vote fr Abutbol? On the one hand they are fairly masorati, and of any charedi candidate he has the best chance of getting the Bet Shemesh chiloni/masorati vote.
    On the other hand, they are afraid to vote for a Haredi, especially one that has listened to Rav Kupshitz and helped the kannoim on many occasions. So they may not vote for him. If not, Abutbol has no chance either.

    So it is wide open, and Lerner has as good a shot as anybody. Of all the candidates that have announced (I think the number is 7 as of right now), we think Lerner has the best chance of picking up much of the chiloni vote, much of the dati leumi vote (Sheetrit might get some of that) and much of the more moderate Haredi vote. If that happens, his chances are very good.

    But it is wide open, and I repeat my question from the beginning of my comment - do I know he is going to win? I do not. But I feel he is the better of the choices and therefore I support him? It is easy to support the guy you think is going to win. How about supporting the guy you think SHOULD win?
