Nov 9, 2008

the Gerrer Rebbe is defiling the city of Bet Shemesh it seems...

If you thought the hysterics were coming to an end, and that they were only being directed at TOV, it seems we were wrong. Degel is now shooting in all directions.

The name "United Torah Judaism" never seemed so far removed from reality as it does today.

Gur and Degel went different ways in their support of the mayoral candidate. Degel chose to support Moshe Abutbol, and Gur chose to support Shalom Lerner. Why they made their choices that way I don't know, but each had its reasons, and they included national party considerations and not just local Bet Shemesh considerations.

Degel seems to think everybody needs to listen to the rabbonim of Degel, even if you have your own rav, and even if your rav also carries the status and title of gadol.

The Gerrer Rebbe and his men support Shalom Lerner. Degel is now condemning Gur for supporting Lerner instead of supporting the candidate, Abutbol, that Degel and their rabbonim support. That is in addition to the sin of splitting the haredim and defiling our holy city.


  1. That sort of poster displays such a hysterical lack of da'at, that I would be sure to vote for anyone BUT the poster's publishers!

    And the hubris and bizui Torah that drips from the whole phrasing of the thing...

    Only WE possess Torah and know what is good for you! Hashem Yirahem.

    We've really enjoyed all our stays in RBS, but this is one more example why we can't live there...

  2. ברוך אתה ה שלא עשני חרדי
