Nov 3, 2008

where the party is at

The Likud. That is where the party is at. Suddenly they look so attractive, there is hardly a former politician, or an aspiring one, that is not jumping at the chance of competing in the upcoming Likud primaries.

And they are all big names. Names that just continue to make the Likud more and more attractive with each of them that joins the Likud. Names of people like Benny Begin, Miri Regev (former army spokesperson), Effie Eitam (whom I personally never particularly liked, but he is a big name), Daniel Seaman (head of the Israel Press Office) and more.

With all these people joining, and the Likud hoping for more big names like Bugie Yaalon, Dan Meridor and others to join in the coming days, one has to wonder where all the seats and positions for these people are coming from. It sounds like people expect the Likud to win upwards of 40 seats or even more. Something that seemed so unrealistic until recently, considering the way Ariel Sharon decimated the Likud bringing it down to 12 seats.

The only thing about it that disturbs me is that all those Likudniks who stuck with the party during the past few years when it went through some very difficult periods, all those loyal Likudniks are going to suffer by being pushed down the list for these big names who will likely win higher spots in the primaries. Primaries are democratic, and if that is who people vote for, then that is the way it works, but it is a shame to see the people who really stuck with the Likud and worked hard to get it back to where it is going, those people are the ones who are goign to lose out despite that loyalty.

1 comment:

  1. B"H

    My sources tell me {although I don't think it's a shock to anyone} that Bibi will try to keep Feiglin off the list again, too.
