Jan 15, 2009

Anti-Semitism at Rebel Support

Rebel SIM is a product that allows you to use an iPhone with any SIM- they are a UK based company.
My friend had ordered 1 last week and had a technical question about the product. He tried to get in touch with the rebel sim support - and this is the conversation that transpired:


  1. funny how it takes an antisemite to remind us that Israel should 100% a jewish state - without citizenship to arabs and other non-jews.

  2. wow - has anyone taken this to the media (mainstreem media, blogs don't count) and taken it up with management at rebel.

    It sounds like the action of one individual in the comnpany, and I'm sure if you forward this message to the company management the individual concerned will be looking for a job.
    If management ignore the problem then you REALLY have a good story to take the media

  3. did he send that to management?

    Wow, incredible.

  4. he did not. I told him to, but he did not at this point. Maybe he will read the comments here and change his mind on that.

  5. I think we should all bombard the management demanding an explanation.

  6. The explanation is clear - eisav sone es yaakov - and this esav just admits it. As the gemara says - esav sone es yaakov is the halacha. Why halacha? because it is not subjective per person. It is the natural law. The way of the world.

  7. I think it's clear what the problem is. Your friend Dani should have waited for Palm's press conference at CES and not followed the stampeding masses and bought an Iphone. This is probably just one of the first of many curses sure to befall someone who abandons Palm for Apple.

  8. ABSOLUTELY he should send that to Rebel's senior management - with a copy to all the major news outlets as well!

  9. i just called them up (00 44 170 650 8124)asking if this was their official position and they said no. they are dealing with the person who made the unofficial comments

  10. good for you michael. I was on their site looking for a contact. all I could find was email addresses for sales. nothing for management or general inquiries.

  11. Michael - if you are reading this - email me offline please... israeli.jew@gmail.com
