Apr 6, 2009

Korban Pesach sign up

Don't forget to register as part of a group for the chance to be part of a korban pesach this year, if it should so happen... You can download forms to register offline, or you can easily sign up online.

The cost for registering is only 12 shekels. I seem to remember that in the past you would only be charged if it came to fruition (which it did not). This time, as you sign up you are charged 12 shekels.

if the korban pesach will not be brought, the 12 shekels will be a donation towards the learning of kodshim as 1. preparation for the future and 2. as it says that if you are not able to bring the korbanos, by busying yourself with the laws of the korbanos it will be considered as if you actually brought the korban.


  1. How do they avoid that 12 shekels from becoming hekdesh?

  2. it is probably a matter of how exactly they define the 12 shekel. it is probably defined as a generic donation...
