Apr 7, 2009

The Pope at the Kotel

According to the Holyland Pilgrimage website, the Pope will be visiting the Western Wall and Temple Mount on May 12 during his visit to the Holy Land.

Remember that they recently announced that due to security concerns they are planning on shutting the Kotel from the public during the Pope's visit? and Rabbi Rabinovitz was protesting to keep it open.

If you look at a calendar you will notice that May 12 is Lag B'Omer.

Whether Lag B'Omer represents the day that Rav Shimon Bar Yochai died, or whether it represents the [temporary] victory of Bar Kochba over the Romans, it seems that on this Lag B'Omer there is a good chance the Romans will dampen the fires of our celebration... Let's hope that Rabbi Rabinovitz's protests do not fall on deaf ears....


  1. I'm not in favour of closign the kotel for even a second -- but its really not the biggest deal. Let the old man have the kotel for 15 minutes.

  2. " Whether Lag B'Omer represents the day that Rav Shimon Bar Yochai died, or whether it represents the [temporary] victory of Bar Kochba over the Romans, it seems that on this Lag B'Omer there is a good chance the Romans will dampen the fires of our celebration..."

    Coincidence ? I don't think so !

    " Let the old man have the kotel for 15 minutes." ?

    Not even for a second !
    Just as you said : " Let's hope that Rabbi Rabinovitz's protests do not fall on deaf ears ".
