Apr 1, 2009

Quote of the Day (qotd)

Netanyahu is the most extreme leader in the region, and he heads the most extreme government in the region.

------Bala'd MK Jamal Zahalkha

That is funny. We think Bibi has gone "too left", they think he is too extreme right. And he is the "most extreme"? More so than a leader who has threatened to wipe out another nation (i.e. Ahmadinejad)? More so than Nasrallah of Hezbollah or Assad of Syria?


  1. All he said was that Bibi was "extreme" - he doesn't modify extreme right, left - perhaps he is an extreme moderate.

    Also left undefined was the word region. It could mean middle east - could also mean he is the most extreme moderate leader in jerusalem.

    a very unclear statement!

  2. 2009 - The Year of Instability

  3. They want more moderates like the President of Sudan. After all every country in the Arab world as atested to the fact he is a nice guy while carrying out genocide that reduces the population.

  4. he neglected to mention that it's the most extreme region! gevalt is it extreme here!
