Jun 29, 2009

The Amtelai bas Karnevo segulah

Who is Amtelai Bas Karnevo?

This is the name of the mother of Avraham Avinu.

Today I found out that it is not just frum jews who are driven by the segulah craze, doing every segulah they hear of and ascribing more importance to many segulahs than to basic mitzvahs and behaviors. Traditional Jews always were known to do segulahs too, but today i found out the secular Jews do segulahs as well.

It seems there is a "segulah" to say the name Amtelai Bas Karnevo in order to be granted success. After some discussion with a secular jew who has done this and knows other people who do it as well, it seems it is a generic segulah and can be used for hatzlacha in almost any endeavor - she used it for a university test, as did others she knows. She told me of some who used it before medical procedures. She told me of some who use it to find lost objects. And other uses as well.

She told me that you are supposed to say, "Ribono shel Olam, b'zchut Amtelai bas Karnevo". Some say the name multiple times (3 times, 7 times, 18 times, each according to his own minhag, perhaps depending on the difficulty of the request).

I do not know what Amtelai bas Karnevo did in her life to "merit" simply the mention of her name having become such a powerful segulah.

Has anybody heard of this before? has anybody used this segulah? Do you have any more info on this?


  1. I thought that was Avraham's mother, not Sara's.

  2. you are right. my mistake. fixing now.

    have you heard of the segulah?

  3. One of the Galicianer Rebbes (Bobov or Klausenberg) used this segilah during the Holocaust.

  4. why didn't they all use it, along with all of the Jews? Post signs in all the shuls that people should say Amtelai bas Karnevo daily...

    anyway, how often did the rebbe say it? daily? a few times a day?

  5. fascinating! i think i'm going to make a post of this. (with appropriate linkage.)


  6. it turns out it is from the Chidah. i even have the sefer at this point, but not the page yet.

    see my writeup here:


  7. update: i found it in the chida and posted the image. very strange, but probably par for the course.


  8. What narishkeit!

    This is what the Ribbono Shel Olam wants us to do?

  9. shy - obviously not. it is only a "segulah" (if that), not a mitzva.

  10. i read (don't remember where) it's a segulah for easy childbirth

  11. RafiI think he told people to think or say it at time of immediate danger.

  12. Very interesting, thanks for posting this (I'm starting to catch up on my back-logged reading).

  13. The real segula was mentioned by the Klausenberger Rebbe to his assistant during the holocaust. It's quoted in the book "The Klausenberger Rebbe - The War Years" on page 36 he told the author to observe the following 3 practices to be saved from danger 1) be very careful to keep his head covered, 2) observe the laws of washing hands and 3)that when in danger to say to himself The mother of Avraham Avinu was Amatlei bas Karnebo, Yavo hamelech veHaman hayom ( the first letter of each word spells Hashems name), and Elokah deRebbe Meir aneni. My understanding is that these 3 'pesukim' contain power names of G-d and saying them will help protect one - of course one is forbidden to say holy names in their origional form, but by saying these pesukim one circumvents that problem.

  14. I don't know about the segula. But in Baba Batra 91, it is said that Amatlai is also the name of Haman's mother. Her full name is Amatlai bat Orvati. The name Orvati derives from the Hebrew name Orev, which means crow. The crow is a impure bird.
    Rashi explains that, contrary to the tahor (purity) of Amatlai bat Karnevo (mother and grand mother of Avraham avinou), it is said, with regard to Haman, that just as the Crow is tamay(impure), Haman is also impure.

    M. Cohen

  15. The segulah is brought in sefer "Shorshei Hashemot" -- Amatlai Bat Karnebo is the name of the mother of Avraham Avinu a"h. This name is good for many things. One who wants to appear before a king of prince or ruler should say it 17 times and will succeed b"eh.

    Now we have Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman, which since it is the root of the entire Torah (Sabba Israel) includes this as well!

    chazaq weematz beavodatekha

  16. It is the name for Sarah's mother!!
    This I heard today, 24/11/2011 from a Kabbalist Rabbi in London.
