Jul 23, 2009

A Day of Conundrums

Today is a day of conundrums (what day isn't?).

I am aware of two news items that were puzzling, at least based on pre-conceptions.

  1. Rav Aviner has recommended using mehadrin bus lines for the NR public as well, though he discusses using separate buses for men and women and not just the "men in front, women in back" method. His rationale is that regular buses can get crowded, forcing men and women standing near each other to bump into each other, along with seeing immodestly dressed women. Clearly the original perception that this issue was limited to the over-extreme minority group of haredim (I mean even in the haredim it is only a minority of people pressing for this) is mistaken, and it might become a much broader issue. (source: Kikar Shabbos)
  2. the news is reporting that the Eidah Hareidis has announced that they will be starting a website to defend itself against accusations form the general media. They claim to have photos and information from recent events (hafganot and the like) that will show the truth about what really happened and that they are not "the bad guy" but have been accused of things they have not done. Considering the recent (and not so recent) campaigns against the internet, comparing it to cancer and attributing the internet to be the source of cancer, forcing internet cafes to close, other pashkevilim, etc. this definitely is a conundrum. It is about time they took advantage of the internet to [attempt to] improve their image.


  1. Considering the recent (and not so recent) campaigns against the internet, comparing it to cancer and attributing the internet to be the source of cancer, forcing internet cafes to close, other pashkevilim, etc. this definitely is a conundrum.

    Maybe they donated to Kupas Ha'Ir as a Trufah L'Mahkah.

    First! :)

  2. Conundrum indeed.

    1. Where does Rav Aviner hold the children should sit? Put them on the men bus and see how much support he gets.

    2. I am sure they will use a state of the art exciting static website. They will get one of the kosher internet people to post it, since they are already over. Nobody will ever go to the website to make sure the content is displayed properly.

  3. When it comes to tzniyut. Rav Aviner has always been machmir.

  4. The position of Rav Aviner is understood in the context of the potential split in the Dati Leumi community. In short, on one side you have the Chardal who believe that being Dati Leumi means being essentially Chareidi but also participating fully in the modern life of the State. On the other side you have the Modern Orthodox who live in Israel and are Zionists. Rav Aviner, as a student of the Kook dynasty, is one of the former and is trying to move the movement back in that direction.

  5. I find the news about R' Aviner's suggestion distressing. Why can't people just exercise common sense, propriety and dignity and teach their children to do the same? It happens that we live on a yishuv where our children have limited contact with the secular world, but it's so important that we teach them that no matter how others dress, we can control our reactions to them and interact with them appropriately.
    We're just tearing ourselves apart as a Nation...at least I'm headed in the proper direction, kavana-wise, for Tisha b'Av

  6. What Tamar said. Amen!

  7. Didn't Rav Moshe Feinstein say that going on (even very crowded) busses and subways was OK?

    Where did Rav Aviner say this (not on Kikar Shabbos)? Maybe he was being sarcastic?

  8. The link as supplied by Muqata to rav Aviner's own video blog is: http://video.maale.org.il/ser/show.php?id=126669
