Jul 30, 2009

The People of the Kotel... The Kotel of the People.

I went to daven at the Kotel this morning, for 9 Av. The goal was really to got o Har Habayit after davening. However, I planned on going to the mikva in the old city, but found out that the mikvas were closed. So they went up without me after davening. I stayed down by the kotel and said more kinus, and took pictures when I got bored of the kinus.


  1. Mikavah? on tishah Be'av?!

  2. I asked a shailoh a few years ago. normally it would be assur, butif there would be a need to dip for the purpose of a d'oraisa, which includes going on to Har HaBayis - it is a mitzva d'oraisa to do so, you could dip on 9av.
    Technical problem I just found out is that you have to find an open mikva.

  3. but surely this is something that you could avoid and despite it being an issur d'oraita to go up to Har Habayit Tameh, the simple solution is to go on a different day and then you don't need to put yourself in the situation?

  4. I asked that at the time and was told there was no need - it is a mitzva.
    I have yet to dip on 9av. Next year, if necessary, I will have to go 8av.

  5. what's with the few people with talis and even a fewer with tefillin?

    I'm amazed people just lay out in the middle of everyone and go to sleep. I could sleep anywhere, I'm just surprised that with everyone walking around the area, they'd sleep right there.

  6. sfardim, or some at least, wear tallis and tefillin for shacharis of tisha b'av.

    I nearly tripped over one of those sleeping guys before I saw him!

  7. hey cool, I see you met up with Meir (Max) goldstien!

  8. actually he walked right by me and I saw him and said "Hay Max!"

  9. You asked RCM about going to Har haBayis, and going to mikvah on tisha bav, and he mattired?

  10. Rafi
    Thank you for posting the pictures. It's very beautiful, for those who were not able to get there today. It's especially beautiful to see all shades of Jews davening together - something i really needed to see today.

  11. Shaya - maybe when the guy went to sleep, it was not just in the middle of everybody, but others were sleeping around him...

  12. What beautiful pictures!
    !לשנה הבאה בירושלים הבנויה

  13. Great pic of Meir, he's a cousin of mine, just met him last month at his sister's wedding. How do you know him?

  14. I was at the wedding as well, with my wife. They are nephew and niece of my sister in law

  15. You should use a maayn, shiloch is there. Always open.

  16. Earn money from homeAugust 02, 2009 9:11 AM

    Nice pics Rafi!
