Aug 10, 2009

Crazy Jews

Big deal!

There is one Jewish guy running for a spot in the Fatah council elections. And he is only running for a spot. He has not even secured it yet.

The only known Israeli Jewish member of the Palestinian group Fatah announced Sunday he was seeking a position in the movement's key decision-making body.

Uri Davis, 66, a fierce critic of Israel who identifies himself as a Palestinian Hebrew-speaking citizen of "the apartheid state of Israel," said he presented his candidacy for Fatah's Revolutionary Council at the group's conference, which is under way in the West Bank. It is Fatah's first gathering in 20 years.

We, in Israel, have 10 Palestinians participating in our government.

We have them in our Knesset, while the Fatah council is more like the Likud Central Committee.

Oh yeah. One difference is that our Palestinians who we let sit in our Knesset are fighting in the political forum on behalf of the Palestinians. The Israeli running for the spot in the Fatah council is not doing so to serve Israeli interests, but also to fight against Israel for Palestinian interests.

One day, when they have had enough of getting good PR from having this guy help them, this guy will be lynched by his buddies, and he won't understand why or how they could do it to him...


  1. "this guy will be lynched by his buddies"

    perhaps not. acc to wiki he is a משומד

  2. he is big enough that he has a wiki page already? though you dont really need a wiki page to know that he is a meshumad. Just the context of the original article is pretty much enough for that.

    I see you made him mamzer of the month. appropriate.

  3. "Yet his position in Fatah is as an observer member (non-Palestinian) of the Palestinian National Council, to which he was appointed by Arafat in 1984"

  4. He'll have a better chance of winning if he gives to Kupat Ha'ir. And an even better chance if he gives to the Neturei Karta equivalent.

  5. Uri Davis is the man. he's one of few israelis who realised that israel is apartheid state.
