Aug 4, 2009

Interesting Posts #56

1. Ask Shifra is back blogging, and talks about Hebrew Tattoos.

2. Gruven Reuven has a cholent story related at his tisch this past week...

3. Frum n' Flippin has an interestingly painted picture of the frum mating ritual called the shidduch date...

4. Mrs. S remembers the good ol days of assimonim, before cellphones existed...

5. ZooTorah has the video of a frog that freezes itself completely. Sounds like the perfection of cryonics to me... Mah Rabu Maasecha Hashem...

6. The Yeshiva Guys in Israel have a great story and a lesson about a beggar they saw in Machane Yehuda shuk.


  1. the chulent story is a clear adaptation of a story involving rocks, gravel, sand, and water.

