Oct 20, 2009

Interesting Posts #89

1. Tzedek-Tzedek considers why the Palestinians support the Iranian nuclear bomb..

2. IsraDad, guest posting by IsraMom, analyzes the name Tzohar in light of the parsha...

3. DovBear discusses why he considers the parsha of Noah to be the most difficult in the Torah. I was part of the original twitter conversation, and it is an interesting discussion (even though he didn't copy that part of it into the post)..

4. Life of Rubin posts some fascinating pictures never before released of the Lubavitcher Rebbe (zt"l) meeting with IDF veterans....

5. Hirshel Tzig is having a kapote konundrum..


  1. Thanks for noticing Rafi, although I'm not sure David will be happy about being IsraDad...

  2. nice pun (i assume it was intended):

    "tzohar in LIGHT of the parsha"...
