Oct 11, 2009

Quote of the Day (qotd)

I hereby instruct you that if God forbid I should be abducted or fall captive in the hands of Arab terror organizations that you should not conduct negotiations for my release....

---- Moshe Feiglin (Likud)

Feiglin wrote this in a letter to DM Ehud Barak. He went on to discuss Gilad Shalit's situation and Jonathan Pollard's, adding that in the past 25 years Israel has not successfully returned captive Israeli soldiers via negotiations....

As an aside, I am pretty sure Barak will happily respond positively to Feiglin's demand. :-)


  1. Maybe if Feiglin is elected PM, he will get Pollard back by bombing Washington DC.

    Or maybe that won't work...

  2. The government does not care about Shalit, of course. It just succumbs to pressure. Think of it: how does a humble leftist like Noam Shalit meet all the foreign ministers?

  3. How do you know if Noam Shalit is a leftist?
