Nov 1, 2009

Eli Yishai is right

I agree 100% with Eli Yishai that the illegal foreign workers, and their kids, need to be deported and returned to their originating country or to a different country willing to take them in. They have overstayed their legal limits and it is time to go home.

Israel is not a country that can afford to take in refugees on a long term basis. We have enough of our own problems without importing all sorts of problems from other countries, and creating new problems because of new demographics and communities.

The fight is not against the kids of the workers, as the media is portraying it, as if people have anything against the kids. It is the parents fault, and the kids are innocent bystanders. Just like the kids cannot be evicted from the country on their own, we also cannot evict the parents and leave the kids here. We have to evict the parents and they have to take their kids with them.

We were gracious enough to host them, and employ them, for a period of time, and now they need to go find a permanent location to move on with their lives. Israel is the Jewish country, and not a melting pot of refugees from every troubled location on the globe.

I wish them luck in their future lives, but anything short of evicting them is just going to lead to greater problems in the future.


  1. Yes. I agree. Unfortunately the country with the slogan, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me", has put up a no-vacancy sign.

  2. B"H

    Amen to the first two paragraphs.

    The last paragraphs I agree with 50 percent. I would have been less,...well,...nice.

    Over all I'd say you're right.

  3. Rafi, Mekubal & Ben Yehudah,

    You have to go after the people and companies that exploit these cheap workers. Make it unprofitable for them and this country will be unattractive to these refugees. But if someone is making a profit from it THEY are the ones who should suffer first. (And that includes all the nice folks who hire illegals to clean their homes in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv as well.)
