Nov 15, 2009

Funny caricature about shabbos protests

This caricature in Haaretz is pretty funny. Obviously it could never happen like this, considering the Intel protests happened on shabbos, and the haredim would never burn garbage cans on shabbos...


  1. I wouldn't be so sure about your last point. On the radio this morning (Kol Chai) they said that during the protests, they (or at least some of them) broke into the Intel building, which entailed chilul shabbos.

  2. It's ridiculous how makpid they are on other peoples frumkeit...

  3. kol yisrael areivim and all that

  4. While Intel was busy adding barbed wire and covering their windows they missed out on another way to protect their property.

    They should have put up sensors that turned on lights and took a picture of whoever set them off. Then they could publicize which protestors should be beaten up for being Mechal Shabbos.

  5. Why don't the charedim pronounce a boycott on using computers with Intel components?

  6. it would be pointless, because it is already assur to use computers, whether or not they have intel parts!

  7. never say never. they already throw stones - muktsa/d'rabbanon, but if they don't use an eruv, then it could already be d'oraysos b/c of hota'ah v'hachnasa and making a chaburah on shabbos if it hits someone. it's a very short leap for kannoim.

  8. it's all some clever invention to disguise family members who really went off the derech....

  9. there are plenty of heterim for chillul shabbaos b'farhesia when it comes to kiddush shem somayim b'farhesia.

  10. this is hilarious.

    but N is incorrect. While what someone does in one's own home is his 'right', Public chillul Shabbat in a Jewish state is something that those who hold Shabbat dear have every right to protest.

    Unfortunately these protests are done hooliganish and subsequently do more damage than good. but if Haredim would learn how to protest from the likes of Gandhi/King et al. this would accomplish much good. their position would be heard, possibly empathized with and as a result somethign might even be done. but of course not much attention, at least positive, is paid to frothing freaks.
