Jan 13, 2010

Interesting Posts #125

1. Artzeinu has compiled a list, a long list, of 100 tips for a successful aliyah...(no, I did not read them all)

2. Ben Chorin has an unusual story about a group that met to air grievances and solve problems...

3. Hubscubs speaks out on Mark McGwire's recent admission to using steroids during the chase for the home run title... Say it ain't so...

4. Geulah Perspectives quotes some correspondence from the Chafetz Chaim regarding living in Israel...

5. The Muqata on a rock attack, and on how Ynet reported it...

1 comment:

  1. Rafi - Ben Chorin has an unusual story about a group that met to air grievances and solve problems...

    Ah yes, an old Festivus tradition ...


