Jan 14, 2010

She was kept in the dark

There are a lot of issues in the Nachman Inshin case in which he was mentally ill, only sort of getting treatment only some of the time, and killed his child.

What is strange to me is how they kept it so quiet that even his wife did not know.

She has now filed for divorce. She claims they kept it secret from her not just during the shidduchim period, which is common and easily possible, but also during the marriage itself - she says she never had any idea and they kept it very secret.

I don't understand how that is possible. Wouldn't she have seen him in his "crazy" state at times, if he wasnt taking his medicine or was in a period in which he was not getting any treatment? How could he get the treatment and take the pills he was taking for so long without her noticing and wondering what he was doing?

What a sad and tragic story.


  1. If she were uneducated about mental illness, and if she never spent much time socializing with men before, it's quite possible she might not have picked up on some indicators.

    But I wish some Gedolim would speak out on this - something like it shouldn't be such a shameful secret, most conditions can be treated 100% successfully, and what went wrong here was that secrecy got in the way of proper treatment and should be a lesson for everyone who might think pretending there is no problem is a solution....

    Can she get a divorce if he's crazy?

  2. I agree with what Shira said. If she doesn't know what mental illness looks like, what 'normal' behavior is in a man, how is she supposed to know when it's not normal?

  3. Oh come on. As if crazy behaviour in men is so much different than crazy behaviour in women! Besides, did she grow up with a father, brothers, etc.? I'm sure there's more to how she "never knew" than that.
