Feb 26, 2010

Perfect for a Rainy Purim

Perfect for a rainy Purim - It has never been so convenient to fulfill the mitzva of Matanot Le'Evionim (Lemehadrin)!!


Or call this number: 02-99999.33

Cash or checks: to your shul's Lema'an Achai gabbai or your Lema'an Achai street representative; or at Arthur's RBS Pharmacy of Nachal Dolev.

Donations to Lema'an Achai's Matanot Le'Evyonim can be given any time between now and 12.00 midday on Purim day.
All donations for Matanot Le'evionim received before that time will be distributed to needy families ON PURIM DAY ITSELF (Bo BeYom) under the halachik supervision of Rav Chaim Soloveichik and Rav Yaakov Haber.

Now "Smart Matanot Le'Evionim": specify "Smart Matanot Le'Evionim" as you donate - and HALF your donation will be distributed on the day of Purim, and HALF will be distributed to the poor, to assist them also between Purim and Pessach.

All donations to Lema'an Achai are tax deductible (in Israel, USA, Canada and UK - see website for details).

Wishing you all a Purim Sameach and Tizku Lemitzvot!

David & Avrohom


David Morris, Rabbi Avrohom Leventhal
Chairman Executive Director

Lema'an Achai

Tel: 02 9991553
Direct: 02-9997026
Fax: +972 2 9997027

40/7 Nahal Lachish
Ramat Beit Shemesh
99093 ISRAEL.

1 comment:

  1. I was very happy to donate to Lemaan Achai the other day. I would like to point out that there was no explanation on the site for what 'Smart Matanot L'evyonim' is, so I didn't choose that option.

    Maybe a little explanation on the site (as was done in the post here) would help people decide?

    Thanks for helping us all with our mitzvot!
