Apr 1, 2010

Breaking Bread on Passover

California GOP candidate for Senate and former HP Chairwoman, Carly Fiorina, sent her Jewish supporters a holiday greeting.

After the initial greeting and wishing of a happy Passover, Fiorina wrote, "This week, as we break bread and spend time with our families and friends .."(emphasis mine)

A funny snafu... as nobody I know is breaking bread this week. Breaking matza, but not bread.

Her response was even funnier:
A spokeswoman for the campaign told ITK that the intent of the e-mail was to encourage people of all faiths to come together, and she pointed out that matzoh is unleavened bread (although they are separate words in Hebrew). “We embrace all breads, leavened, unleavened, gluten-free, rye or whatever else.”


  1. "We embrace all breads"
    that's a great line.

  2. Actually, no big deal. The phrase "breaking bread" means, to dine together. Only fools in the media would try to take it literally.

    But even if you want to get literal. Matzah is "bread" in Hebrew "Lechem Oni". Furthermore, matzah is much more "breakable" than regular bread!

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