Apr 12, 2010

Swim-a-thon - Save the Date, June 16th

This is cool - swim across the Kinneret? They must be pretty happy the Kinneret is still at a very low point.....

Would you like to participate in a unique event and help a very special facility?
Crossing the Kinneret Swim-A-Thon

Please forward to others, thanks - swim4sadna@gmail.com

Dear All

YES – I am organizing For the first time, a women's only fund-raising Crossing the Kinneret Swim-A-Thon but I need help –firstly I must find more swimmers ASAP ……please send this to anyone that could be interested in participating or helping ……

There is an annual Kinneret swim –every September but it is always on a Shabbat –here we are offering the same routes women only and on a Wednesday –a much smaller and intimate event with all the professional needs taken into account.

So hopefully we will make a real good splash of this and most important help fund 2 more sheltered homes in Sadnat Shiluv –

My son Elchi is already living in the 1st apartment and loves it …

More details to follow – please keep the dates ……...

Hag Kasher Ve Samach


Help us Build a Hostel for Special Needs Young Adults

in Sadnat Shiluv, Gush Etzion

For the first time, a women's only fund-raising Crossing the Kinneret Swim-A-Thon

You are invited to join us for the 3.5 kilometer/1.5 kilometer swim or sponsor a swimmer.

The event will take place on WEDNESDAY, 16th JUNE 2010.

Starting time 6 a.m.

Fee to cover participation, sleeping accommodations and transportation

Advance registration until April 15th is essential to enable us to arrange transportation and sleeping accommodations.

If you are unable to join us but want to be a partner in building our hostel, please make a donation.

Donations are tax deductible.

Reply to vivienne@nusoil.com


  1. B"H

    Sounds cool! (no pun intended)

    Too bad, I'm way out of shape and haven't worked out in the water since I don't know how long (pools are too expensive in ISrael).
