May 13, 2010

Two beautiful stories

Here are two amazingly beautiful stories:
  1. The story of how two yeshiva high schools, one haredi and one dati leumi, met up at the Kotel (not planned) and danced together on Yom Yerushalayim.
  2. The story, from Treppenwitz, of how we are all connected, even the nameless strangers in our daily lives...


  1. Both stories are absolutely awesome!

  2. About time....May 13, 2010 8:27 PM

    Finally Rafi! Some good news! The stories on your blog have been quite depressing lately (not your fault).

  3. The article about Maarava boys dancing with Horev boys on Yom Yerushalaim, while heart warming, is also disengenius.

    The kids form these two schools dress differently, and one could therefore wax poetic about the putting aside of differences for a common value. As the JP does.

    But, the lines between the hashkafa of Chorev and Maarava, are pretty subtle, beyond the external garb.

    They both have a 'modern' torah outlook, combining secular and torah studies. Many Americans attend each school. There may even be many of the same parents.

    What looks like the meeting of polar opposites (black + white), is actually the meeting of brothers, cousins and neighbors.

    Cute; but not a revolution. Unfortunately.

  4. Yes, I have to agree with David. Rabbi Cheit davka brings the boys to the Kotel to celebrate YR. They also celebrate YH. There's an Israeli flag flying from the Yeshiva building.

    If anything, in the context of the recent high school discussion, it's very depressing as this is davka the type of hashkafa the Chareidi "establishment" is trying to suppress.

  5. Menachem and David - you both might be 100% correct, and for arguments sake lets say you are, but:

    1. the average person standing at the Kotel watching it develop and happen did not know the similarities between the schools and just see black hat boys and kipa sruga boys do do somethign that has become practically inexplicable. It was a public kiddush hashem, not matter how similar you say the schools are.

    2. the average person, the person who might be familiar with one of or both of these schools but doesnt have children in either of them, has no idea of these nuances of the schools. I didnt. I assumed Maarava was moderate but haredi (and have become more haredi over the years), and I had no idea that they celebrate YH or YY.

  6. Rafi, you're correct. The "appearance" was very positive.
