Jun 3, 2010

Glen Beck analyzes the Freedom Flotilla (video)

Part 1:

Part 2:


  1. I like 'some' of the things he says, but really, that look on his face; maybe someone should analyze him!

  2. Whilst he may be right (he is), listening to him is like reading DovBear; it's so un-neutral that even though I independently know it's true, it feels really propaganda-y.

  3. His neutrality is what makes the TRUTH sink in.

  4. that comment about the village played right into the hands of the lefties. They will now not pay attention to anything else he has to say. I obviously agree with him, but he needs to use better analogies then 'the village' - an obvious reference to the Gay community, which as a Mormon (I believe), he is against....
