Jul 15, 2010

14 year old "Almost-Rabbi"

This is amazing. He must have photographic memory and a strong work ethic of studying.

On Monday the Rabbanut held its day of testing for semicha. One of the participants taking the tests was a 14 year old boy, about to enter the 9th grade.

This young man knows Shas, Rishonim, Achronim and and poskim by heart.

Rav Shmuel Eliyahu himself tested this young and brilliant phenom. He was duly impressed. Rav Eliyahu was disappointed that he could not confer upon the young man semicha, due to his age, but expressed his amazement at the boys accomplishments, saying that in every generation of the Jewish people there have been special people like this who the rabbonim would treat with extra care as they would flourish and grow into gedolim in Torah..

Amazing. Ko Lechay.


  1. "in every generation of the Jewish people there have been special people like this who the rabbonim would treat with extra care as they would flourish and grow into gedolim in Torah.."

    Right, not entire sectors of society.

    (not to be a sourpuss about this boy. Kol Hakavod lo, it's truly an amazing accomplishment.

  2. בלי עין הרע

    The last line of the article says that the father was told by his Rabbanim not to publicize the matter b/c of Ayin Hara. YNet apparently didn't care.

  3. well, it doesnt say his name...

  4. Rav Eliyahu was disappointed that he could not confer upon the young man semicha, due to his age

    This kid is AMAZING. If he keeps it up, he might well be one of the great future gedolei hador.

    But one thing I am curious about, where is the halacha that a 14 year old may not receive semicha?

  5. "If he keeps it up, he might well be one of the great future gedolei hador."

    Impossible, the article says he's dati leumi.

  6. maybe that's what we need
