Aug 1, 2010

Flash Opera (video)

Flash dance mobs weren't enough? now they are doing flash opera performances? how do people even know the words to these things?


  1. They got the real Israeli Opera company to perform it. Obviously they do know the words. It was a promo for the new season of Opera in Tel Aviv and a very heartwarmimg performance.

  2. Looks like these were not just random people, who were lip-synching.

    However, in the event it comes to Ramat Beit Shemesh and you want to be prepared:

    Vedi! le fosche notturne spoglie
    de' cieli sveste l'immensa volta;
    sembra una vedova che alfin si toglie
    i bruni panni ond'era involta.
    All'opra! all'opra!
    Dagli, martella!
    (Danno di piglio ai ferri del mestiere.)
    Chi del gitano i giorni abbella?
    La zingarella!
    Versami un tratto; lena e coraggio
    il corpo e l'anima traggon dal bere.
    Oh guarda, guarda! del sole un raggio
    brilla piu vivido nel tuo bicchiere.
    All'opra! all'opra!
    Chi del gitano i giorni abbella?
    La zingarella!

    See! The huge vault of heaven
    discards night's dark mantle,
    like some widow who sets aside at last
    the weeds in which she wrapped herself.
    To work, to work!
    Go to it, hammer away!
    (taking up their hammers and setting to work at anvils.)
    Who is it cheers the gipsy's days?
    The gipsy girl!
    Pour me a draught; wine lends
    body and soul courage and vigour.
    See, a sunbeam sparkles
    more brilliant in your glass.
    To work, to work!
    Who is it cheers the gipsy's days?
    The gipsy girl
