Aug 18, 2010

Mob Scene Verbally Attacks Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger (video)

This store had been attacked by thugs earlier in the day. They spray painted graffiti, along with overturning tables of books.
Their problem? The bookstore sells books that they think are not within the atmosphere of the community.
And what books would those be? Hardy Boys novels? The memoirs of David Ben-Gurion? Perhaps books of Greek philosophy? Sports books? Stephen King books?
Actually, the books referred to was a set of books of Torah by Rav Kook zt"l.

That was enough to set these thugs off.

Note: Rav Metzger did not come into the store to show support for Rav Kook's books, or as a result of the earlier attack on the store. He came in to buy a book for the upcoming holiday season.


  1. Wow. Leaving alone what I, or anyone else, feels about Rav Metzger personally, this is the Chief Rabbi. If you can't respect the person, respect the position.

    The disconnect from reality here is actually making my head hurt.

  2. they dont approve of his hashkafa, so he is a sheigetz.
    In reality it is just the Webchaver issue taken to the next level.

    Everyone feels like they are in charge, if they think they hold enough power to threaten you somehow and get you to listen. They tell you what you are allowed to think and do.
    eventually, if you dont listen and they dont get their way, and you dont think or do what they specifically want, they have to reject you. This way you pay for your crime and others dont dare to ignore them. Sometimes the next level of abuse will be verbal, sometimes it will be physical.

    but it is really just the same issue taken to the next level. People think they have a right to demand other people do what I say.

  3. Doesn't this remind one about the siccari in their attempted domination during the (first or) second beis hamikdash?

  4. Neshama - that is why they call themselves "sikrikim", as if to take that title and position of glory upon themselves.
    The haredi media have finally decided to stop using that name as much as possible, and have started using other names. As if to stop glorifying them.

  5. Manny's has been around for decades - why now?

  6. Any different than the thugs here who rip down Lema'an Achai posters?

  7. Garnel IronheartAugust 18, 2010 6:27 PM

    This is bizarre. Last year I was in Israel during National Book Week and picked up a bunch of Kook books in a Chareidi bookstore across the street from a Chareidi yeshiva filled with honest-to-goodness Chareidim and no one said boo!

  8. so we have finally crossed the line. no more tznius or anything like that. Now it's the torah itself. Your torah is not my torah so yours is heresy. YAY!

  9. Let's not forget that Rav Kook wrote a haskamah for the Chofetz Chaim (who years walked out of the Agudah Convention in protest of those who attacked the Rav). I believe it was Rav Sonnenfeld who said "We are all giants- until we reach his door".
