Aug 10, 2010

Unusual Graduation speech - against schooling (video)


  1. I can't view the video but I'm intrigued by the title of the post. At my daughter's 8th grade graduation, the general studies valedictorian made a speech questioning why general studies should even be taught in a yeshiva, and humorously describing how much time the girls waste in class so they hardly have any time to learn general studies at all. I was aghast (not to mention mortified in front of my elderly parents.)

  2. When I saw this astounding The Top 12 Reasons To Burn A Quran On 9/11 commentary my first thought was this blog's frequenters totally should see this!

  3. Kupat Keren Lev Shel Tzedkas Ha"irAugust 12, 2010 5:56 PM

    Who needs school..just donate to Kupat Ha'ir
