Sep 6, 2010

Dmitriy Salita is back! (video)

Mazel tov to Dmitriy Salita on winning his first fight since his injury and knockout in the fight against Amir Kahn 9 months ago.

He says this was a real fight, and the opponent was tough and a real fighter and it wasn't just to get him back in the groove with an easy win, but I don't really care.

I find it interesting to see so many yarmulkes in his fan club, attending the match. You can see some behind him in the video..

1 comment:

  1. "I find it interesting to see so many yarmulkes in his fan club, attending the match."


    Chillul Hashem.

    The so called sport of boxing, as well as the seedy atmosphere around it, is not in accordance with our faith. How can religious Jews revel in such a 'sport'?

