Oct 7, 2010

PA police in Jerusalem

Last Thursday night a riot started in an Arab neighborhood of East Jerusalem. Two groups of youth from competing "chamulot" descended on one of the neighborhoods and started fighting. The screaming and scuffling led to actual violent fighting.

Local residents called the police a number of times to come break up the violence and noise. When the police did not come, residents gave up and called the Palestinian Authority instead.

Almost immediately 150 Palestinian policemen came from Ramallah - just a half a kilometer away, and immediately got to work separating the two groups. Their efforts included shooting their guns into the air to disperse the fighting gangs.

Palestinian police in Jerusalem? Shooting? And we are debating whether or not to split Jerusalem? it seems like it is already split!

1 comment:

  1. they shot live bullets in the air? any idea into whose heads the bukkets landed ch"v?
