Dec 13, 2010

Georgie Speaks Up About Heidi And Mendy's $3000 Wig (video)

I am not going to analyze this any more. In my opinion we are now beating a dead horse, there has been so much said about it already, I dont know that there is anything left to be said. I do feel obligated to publish the latest video, of R' Hoffman of VIN interviewing Georgie, the sheitl macher of Heidi and Mendy fame (this must be great for her business right now!), and will do so without adding additional commentary:


  1. Thanks so much for posting this. The way people were responding to this poor couple was making me ill! I am glad the truth came out. Georgie was very kind to take the time to clear this up.

  2. 1. georgie is a nogeah b'davar, it's her client vs a stranger

    2. "one of her favorite customers". c'mon.

    3. The video didnt really clear much up as most of what georgi said was what she was told by the couple. The only thing that is valid as testimony from her, is whether or not a $3000 shaitel was purchsed from her. what happened, which shaitel, etc is not valid testimony on her part as she has no idea what happened. she doesn't know if hindy went to Target and bought a wig, or what the cleaner really said or did. please, this is a joke.

  3. I agree with frumhouse, Georgie is nogeiah b'davar. To paraphrase Johny Cochrane at the OJ trial "Just because the new ig fit doesn't mean you have to acquit."

    A third party would have to evaluate the damaged wig to make the case for Heidie and Mendy's innocence.

    I hope Yair Hoffman is more careful when he sits on a bait din.

  4. I think it is very easy to judge someone unfavorably. However, if we try, there are just as many reasons to find a favorable opinion.

    There is a book called, The Other Side of the Story (some of the stories are here - that shows how easily situations and words can be misinterpreted.

    I don't know why Georgie would bother to stand up for this couple and risk her reputation simply because they were clients. It sounds like Heidi bought 2 wigs from her in 10 years (the original one that got ruined and the other emergency replacement). Is this such a profitable client that Georgie would lie on her behalf in order to retain the business connection?

    Either way, the point is, where has dan lchaf zchus gone?
    Reading many of the comments on this wig story - people are like sharks! They smell blood and come rushing in for the kill.

    Additionally, people have their own agendas to serve. If this couple can be the "haredi" poster children for all that is wrong in black hat society, than that's how they will frame this situation. From my perspective, the main mistake this couple made was going on TV.

  5. I wouldn't say Georgie's interview cleared things up. Even from Georgie's interview some questions can be raised, but by now it's possible to say that they made several poor decisions rather than attempting fraud.

    Also it's possible that after the judge ruled against them, they didn't speak against her afterward because that's more proper behavior after a beit din ruling.

  6. no one is saying georgi is lying, but she certainley is stretching things quite a bit. 2 shaitels in 10 years and she's her favorite customer? the rest of her words are simply heaqrsay as she has no idea what happened. i am not judging heidi, I am judging what Georgi is actually saying. If georgi doesn't want her words inspected, don't agree to have them publicized. She is certainley a nogeah b'davar and therefore suspect.

    For as many "Other side of the stories", there a 10 times as many, they are what they seem.

  7. ok fine shaya but then let's talk halacha - the point has been raised that perhaps it isn't halachically appropriate to discuss further, now that it's gone beyond simple entertainment value and people have become armchair judges too. truth can be lashon hara also.

  8. anon,

    correct, and I have refrained from commenting on any blog about the court case itself. i am simply discussing this particular "testimony" and what I feel is it's legitimacy.

    The only comment I did make on the issue, on another blog - sorry raf - is that I felt it was sad to spend $3000 on a shaitel. but that's my own personal issue.

  9. hey I'm with you on that - $3k will cover the AC for the extension we're saving up for. I gotta track down my friend's ebay seller....

  10. Being Dan Le'caf Zechut is not a nice thing. It is a Chiyuv that we must have for a typical Jew (Not a rasha) So let's give them the benefit of the doubt. As far as going public on T.V., hey, we all make mistakes sometimes!!
