Feb 9, 2011

Hebron Op-Ed

Date line Miami, FL

While the rest of the world is watching Egypt and Tunisia, the Jewish people in Hebron are being forgotten. The 2nd holiest site in Judaism is in desperate need of a roof. The old brown tarp that covered Maharat HaMachpela, and served as its makeshift protection has fallen down leaving the 4,000 year old historical site exposed to the elements. Why has the Israeli government not designated Mahart HaMachpela as a national treasure? The roof and Maharat HaMachpela should not be politicized, as they have unfortunately become. Compounding the difficulties is that this section of Hebron is under Muslim control and Jews do not have equal rights. The Jews in the area held a symbolic demonstration in the rain in support to get a permanent roof built.

This is a shameful. The Israeli government should be ashamed. But the fact that general and global community has remained quiet is the biggest shame of all. Maharat HaMachpela deserves a real roof and the classification of a national treasure. Why, have we heard nothing from the Antiquities Authority? Why is this not something being reported by the mainstream media? Surely the UN would weigh in if the Dome of the Rock was left in a state of disrepair at the hands of the Israelis.

The questions we should be asking ourselves is “What would Abraham do?” Where are those voices of support for Israel and the Jewish people from our representatives in Congress? We cannot sit idly by and allow these Human Right violations to continue. If our elected leaders fail to act, then we must stand up for our Jewish brethren in Hebron.

Corey B Poitier teaches Government and World history. He holds dual degrees in political science and broadcast journalism. He is the Republican candidate for US Congress in Florida's 17th District.

This op-ed was written by Elchonon Hellinger. I take no responsibility for the opinions expressed, nor do I endorse a candidate in an election I have nothing to do with. If you are from Florida, take this discussion into consideration when deciding for whom to vote.


  1. Is Hevron holier than Bet Shemesh? Who ranked it number 2?

  2. it is well known that there are four holy cities - jerusalem, tiberias, safed and hebron.

    I just looked for the source and it seems to be fairly modern - maybe 500 years old, but it is based on scripture.




  3. I guess now we know where the term "maharat" came from :-)

  4. I saw the articles from the Maharat HaMachpela about the roof which has fallen in when it first came out on 29. January. So since I am currently in the Holy Land I decided to go and check out this alleged disgrace for my self just two days ago - only to find that the "old brown tarp" covering the Jewish part of this building, is actually a shinny white and well kept tarp, which provides adequate cover to the Jewish site underneath.
    Now, if people want a permanent structure in stead of a tent, I guess that is a valid wish, but let's be truthful with each other about the facts on the ground.

  5. Anoyn,
    Yea because it was replaced ?!
