Jun 5, 2011

Interesting Psak: Getting Refund On Your Shadchanus Money

An interesting question came up before the beis din of Rav Yitzchak Zilbershtein in Ramat Elchonon of Bnei Braq.

The question presented was by the father of a woman who had recently married, discovered after the wedding that her new husband had a sever mental disorder and then divorced. When he realized the shadchan had known about the mental disorder and had kept it secret, he asked the beis din for a psak if the shadchan has to refund the money that he had paid for the shadchanus fee?

Rav Zilbershtein paskened that the shadchan does have to refund the shadchanus money, but only if it is definite that the medical problem existed before the wedding. if the illness developed only after the wedding, the shadchan would be able to keep the money. (source: Kikar)


  1. I really don't know what is worse - letting these scoundrels try to help, or stop them doing it. These scumbags are the ones, that go to Teheran, and shed tears at Arafat's grave. However, we know, that they were able to get Jews out of Yemen, on condition that theygo to New York not Israel, although once there, some came to Israel in any case.

  2. i think this comment is on the wrong post
