Jun 16, 2011

Picture Of The Day

Picture Of The Day

hafgana outside of RBS C housing fair


  1. ישיני עפר ... oh brother! :-)

  2. For those of us with not much Hebrew, what do the signs say?

  3. Oh and I though that they were just the Kupa Shel Tzedaka reps getting ready for their monthly collection.

  4. Explain the signs please.

  5. there was a housing fair for RBS C. Outside these people held a rpotest. they want to be in charge of searching for graves that might potentially be buried in the building areas.

    the sign on the left says? "do you want a bracha? do you want success? tale care that your neighborhood wont be built at the expense of those sleeping in the dust"
    the sign on the right says "we wont rest and we wont be quiet until the horrible abuse of the ancient of bet Shemesh who found their resting places in RBS C will be stopped."
