Aug 8, 2011

Levi Aron Competent To Stand Trial For Murder Of Leiby Kletsky, Pleads Not Guilty (video)

Levi Aron Competent To Stand Trial For Murder Of Leiby Kletsky, Pleads Not Guilty

Attorney Compares His Rights To DWI

1 comment:

  1. FYI, the second video seems to have been removed; at least, the link isn't working.

    I realize "Attorney compares his rights to DWI" is a paraphrase of the video title, (and far more evenhanded than the original) but it still seems a little unfair to say that without explaining in what way that attorney "compares his rights to DWI" - namely, that he has the right to a fair trial, just like any other defendant in the system. (Without that, it still gives off some of the impression created by the original title of the video.)
