Sep 6, 2011

Kol Yisrael Radio Pre - 6 AM Moshe Chovav Reciting Shema Yisrael (video)

Kol Yisrael Radio Pre - 6 AM Moshe Chovav Reciting Shema Yisrael

For many years I would listen to this in the morning in the car to work.. it was definitely an endearing part of the day...


  1. I just love psuko shel yom at the end of the channel 1 broadcast day at night. And the word of the day and the guy who explains it. Do they still do that?

  2. I dont know. i dont listen much to the radio any more

  3. Psuko shem yom is on the TV Channel 1,a nd yes it still does appear

  4. I always loved his accent. Sounds more natural and elegant than the Hebrew we hear on the streets.
    I just can't decide who's better... Reuma Eldar or Moshe Hovav. The only thing I know is that Dan Kaner - or any other radio announcer - is nowhere near them.
