Nov 15, 2011

The Immortalized Chair

Hassidim always want mementos of their rebbe, and are willing to pay decent money to get them.

A Breslaver Hassid, Mordechai Regev, decided to make a copy of Rebbe Nachman's chair, that is found in the Breslav beit medrash in Yerushalayim, and he sells it for $2000. Regev says he has sold imitations of Rebbe Nachman's chair to hassidim all over the world.

I wonder if this will soon become an "obligatory" part of being a Breslaver Hassid, just like traveling to Uman has become. Will we soon see, alongside the people collecting money to pay for a trip to Uman before Rosh Hashana, people collecting money to buy an imitation chair of Rebbe Nachman?

Regev decided to capitalize on his original idea, and now he has also started making an imitation chair of the chair of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Chabadniks get off easy, as he is only going to be charging $770 for this chair.
(source: Mynet)

1 comment:

  1. Sweet mother lode! Maybe I should give up all my other brilliant business ideas and just focus on ways of monetizing frumkeit.
