Nov 8, 2011

Netanyahu Is A Liar, All Politicians Are Liars

Oops. At the G20 meeting, US President Barak Obama was talking with French President Nikolas Sarkozy and they didn't realize that the microphones were still on. In what is being called the "hot mic incident" Sarkozy said he can't stand Netanyahu and he is a liar. To that Obama replied "you are fed up with him, but I have to deal with him every day!"

All politicians are liars, including Obama and Sarkozy. It is part of the job description. The fact that they called Netanyahu a liar is meaningless.

Of course, being in a conspiratorial mood one could say that they knew the microphones were still hot and said it intentionally to "inadvertently" criticize Netanyahu without having to do so directly at Netanyahu.


  1. It's the old story: everyone lies but for the Jew it's a crime.

  2. Glenn Reynolds thinks the conspiracy is for Obama "to create distance before Israel whacks the Iranian nuke program."
