Nov 28, 2011

Picture Of The Day

Picture Of The Day

This looks like it could be a line in Ramat Bet Shemesh or Mea Shearim, based on "Mrs. Burqa-witz" (coined by a commenter on Life in Israel), but it is an image of women lining up to vote in today's elections in Egypt..


  1. No, it's not Beit Shemesh. The woman has her eyes unveiled, a clear violation of the Burka Babe code. The prutzah!

  2. There is a different bais din in Lakewood for gitin and not a single prominent Lakewood posek went. Something's up also no litfaks!.

  3. If you look at Mrs. "Hijabotinsky" just two people back in line, I think we're talking actual Muslims here. ;-)

  4. Burkas should be outlawed everywhere!!!!!!!!! PERIOD!!!!!! No one really knows that it is a woman under there or not!!!!!!! I have seen a few looking at me very evil and that is why I say that!!!!!!! Enough is enough and they can have a bomb strapped to them!!!!!!! LET's all WAKE UP!!!
