Nov 29, 2011

Re-Enactment Of November 29, And The Eida Response

Today, November 29 2011, is the anniversary of a historic day in Israel's history. November 29, 1947 is the day the United Nations vted on, and approved of, accepting the partition of Palestine. The UN committee decided to abandon the mandate, giving the British one year to leave Palestine, while recommending the formulation of a Jewish state alongside an Arab state.

To commemorate this historic day, the World Zionist Organization (WZO) are staging a re-enactment of the vote, and of how the Jews of Palestine had welcomed and celebrated the announcement of the decision. The re-enactment will be staged on King George Street in Jerusalem and will include props giving it the air of 1947 along with actors dressed up and playing the roles of the various leaders, diplomats, statesmen and other figures from back then.

Also to commemorate the day, MK Danny Danon (LIKUD) is proposing a bill to declare November 29 as National Zionism Day.
(source: INN and JPost)

Interestingly enough, Kikar adds a haredi twist to the story. Because the re-enactment will include thousands of people "celebrating" in the streets, including mixed dancing as well as women singing, the way the event historically happened. As well, the figures of historic figures will be "present", portrayed by actors and actresses, including Zionist leaders of the time, such as Golda Meir, as well as the Chief Rabbis of the times.

Kikar asked the Eida what they think of this event - both the event itself as well as the portrayal of the Chief Rabbis in front of mixed dancing and female singing.

Regarding the event itself, the Eida responded that they don't really care, as "the secular can do whatever they want in their own neighborhoods. As long as they keep it in their own neighborhoods we do not mix in".

Interestingly, they did not act in accordance with this stated mode of operations regarding many events that have taken place in Jerusalem, such as parking lots and movie theaters open on Shabbos, non-kosher food, Intel opening, the shuk closing too late on Friday afternoon, to name just a few.. Perhaps they have given up the fight and have changed their policy, limiting their fighting to within their own neighborhood borders.

Regarding the portrayal of the rabbonim in front of mixed dancing and female singing, the Eida added "we never gave any special status to the rabbonim of the Zionists. We always said that whomever serves by the Zionists has no part of the nation of Israel. Now, they are portraying the reality that the chief rabbis do not keep torah and mitzvos"

SNAP!!! Zing!!! What a knockout statement! I love it!

1 comment:

  1. Why is it that we celebrate Independence Day on 5 Iyyar but UN Partition Day on November 29?

    > Interestingly, they did not act in accordance with this stated mode of operations regarding many events that have taken place in Jerusalem

    That's because they think ALL of Yerushalayim is their personal private neighbourhood.

    > We always said that whomever serves by the Zionists has no part of the nation of Israel

    Like Rav Eliashiv?

    Like the Tzitz Eliezer?
