Nov 16, 2011

Selling Baby Naming In Yated Neeman

When someone pointed out to me the classified section of this week's free Yated Neeman, I got a real kick out of it, Who knew that Yated classifieds could be so funny!!?? When I read it I was not sure if I was reading Yated Neeman or eBay! They need to change the name of the newspaper, though I am not sure if eNeeman or Yated Bay is better..

If you can't make out the Hebrew, basically someone is trying to sell the rights to name his baby. It doesn't say  how much it costs, so I am assuming it up for bidding. It says "Respected family interested in giving a name to a baby after a good person for pay".

Nice of them to call themselves "respected", or a more accurate translation might be "important". Unfortunately they restrict to "named after a good person", which gives them a lot of leeway to veto any selection. They are the arbiter of who is considered a "good person".

This is something I expect to see on eBay, not in the Yated.


  1. I don't see any wrongdoing on the paper's part for printing an ad that someone paid for. Unless it was an inappropriate ad. The one who placed this ad, that's another story.

  2. nothing wrong. it just surprised me. it seems like this would be against Jewish values, at least from their perspective.
    Selling the right to name a baby? Seems like there is no mesora for such a thing for the avos ha'kdoshim. I was just surprised that they put it in. Nothing actually wrong with it though.

  3. The wording isn't clear, but I understood it the other way round. They are a mishpaha hashuva and they want to pay someone to name a baby after a good person.

  4. I read it like Rafi S.

    A family with no babies to name after someone "important" are willing to pay someone to name their baby for the "important someone"

  5. Agree with Shlomo S and Shlomo. They want to pay someone to name their baby after a relative.

  6. I hear you. thats not how I read it, and from the INN article, along with a mynet article someone pointed me to, it was also understood by them like me. Plus in the mynet article they say they spoke to the family.,7340,L-4148710,00.html

  7. I understood also that they want to name a child after somebody else and get paid for it.
    If so a "good person" would be the one whose family will pay the most.

  8. Bechadrei now also has an article on this, , and they also say, after having spoken with them, that she is due to give birth next week and they are selling the rights to name the baby in order to be able to cover debts

  9. and see this:

  10. I was saving that one for tomorrow.. :-)

  11. What I expect next: Turn your baby into a revenue vehicle...

    "Don't have your own baby to name after a loved one? Family with newborn now accepting bids. Act fast - bris is just a few days away!"

  12. how does this tie in to your post a while back about RCK and the naming issue? is this better or worse?

  13. i dont think his requirement of only biblical names is the commonly accepted custom. his own name isnt biblical.
    but even if they were following that, so they would only approve a biblical name. not much of an issue

  14. I posted this in your newest post, but to add it here too - my grandfather was born in Meah Shearim over 90 years ago. This is exactly what his parents did, for the same reason. It is very disheartening that the 'yishuv hayashan' hasn't gotten economically any wiser in 90 years.
