Dec 11, 2011

Interesting Posts #334

Interesting Posts #334

1. A Plea For Small-Town Israel

2. The German General That Saved The Jews Of Israel, and The City of jerusalem

3. Maintaining A Pure Torah Outlook

4. The IRS Is Going After me and other Americans in Israel

5. Blago, Clinton and Edom

6. Human Values In Every IDF Soldiers Pocket

7. My Feelings Over Your Jewish Values - best post I have seen on the #YUsex article in the YU Beacon that has since been removed despite calls of freedom of speech and censorship...


  1. i was told by an accountant that the reason the irs is targeting people is that there has indeed been a lot of cheating by american jews

    1) american jews will get citizenship for their kids and then back claim child credits

    2) the credit is for people who work, not those who learn in kollel. that hasn't stopped guys in kollel from claiming that their stipend is a salary (which it ain't in the eyes of the irs).

    3) the documentation that mr bluke had to submit is nothing compared to what a friend of mine had to do.

  2. Ben - from what i remember everything you say is correct, but I also seem to remember the only people they were "auditing" were people who filed those retroactive back claims...

  3. I was not filing any back claims. I a being audited on last years return
